HPC & AI Wall Street 2021HPC & AI Wall Street 2021
The Financial Services industry is well-known for being on the forefront of using the fastest technologies in the world due to the direct line to profit and revenue. With the addition of AI capabilities, these systems to generate profit are even more indispensable. Today’s technology will be obsolete tomorrow. Organizations that do not have an AI strategy for their firms will be obsolete. AI Strategy cannot be deployed without advanced scale computing. HPC & AI Wall Street has a focus on optimizing Integration of the fastest computing technology in the world for all things related to financial services.
As the premier event in Financial Services, HPC & AI Wall Street has fostered a sense of community for 15 years. The event addresses the latest advances and challenges while creating the opportunity for peers, attendees and experts to explore and create integrated solutions. The environment is designed for providers to showcase their innovations to the leading advanced scale executive attendees. This longstanding event was first established in New York, USA. With a long legacy of success and support from our publications (HPCwire, EnterpriseAI and Datanami), HPC & AI Wall Street has now extended its one-of-a-kind program to Singapore to unite the financial services industry across the globe and expanding the conversation.
There are multiple influencers and potential disruptors arriving in 2021 that have the capability to create a seismic shift across the financial services industry. From the Crypto Yuan, new forecasting models and automation tools, optimizing utilization forecasting with AI and machine learning, the industry is transforming more rapidly than ever before. We are here to prepare you. The time is now to attend this event and learn more about the far-reaching impact these changes will have on your business and workflows. AI and high-performance computing technology not only support and make these advances possible but identify and provide resolution for the issues these advances may create.
The goal for this streamlined event is to sponsor a culture of networking, collaboration and knowledge sharing to showcase innovations and successful use cases in HPC and AI adoption in financial services which are ushering in a new era of digital transformation within the industry.
In addition to all this momentum, our data-driven culture continues to exponentially increase the demands and expectations on Financial Services markets globally. Speed-to-insight and Speed-to-execution are the business drivers for capital markets today and into the foreseeable future. High-Performance Computing (HPC) is quickly becoming the foundation for global application delivery in the capital markets. The need for low-latency application and service delivery is creating a need to drive innovation in financial service organizations to remain competitive in customer acquisition and growth.
With well-established, relevant themes, our event is ready to arm you with the knowledge and tools that will help you mitigate these challenges and enjoy the opportunity for collaboration while experiencing new solutions within this space.
Be part of a cohesive FinTech community dedicated to providing industry solutions and shared expectations that advance technology and standards. Get prepared for what is coming.
Focus Areas
- Artificial Intelligence
- Regulatory Compliance in a Data-driven Economy
- Bridging Legacy with Innovation in HPC
- Containerization and Micro-services in HPC
- Cyber Analytics for AI and HPC Environments
- Advanced Scale Blockchain Use Cases in Financial Services